Base de connaissances


How to change PuTTY's appearance
How to change PuTTY's appearance If you're going to be using PuTTY a lot, you'll probably want...
How to change character settings in PuTTY
How to change character settings in PuTTY This tutorial assumes you have already opened PuTTY...
How to change the bell style and settings in PuTTY
How to change the bell style and settings in PuTTY A terminal bell is a sort of notification...
How to clean up your PuTTY sessions
How to clean up your PuTTY sessions This tutorial assumes you have already opened your Windows...
How to copy and paste to and from a PuTTY window
How to copy and paste to and from a PuTTY window It may not be obvious to you, but it is...
How to create a log file of your PuTTY session
How to create a log file of your PuTTY session This tutorial assumes you have already downloaded...
How to download and install PuTTY
How to download and install PuTTY This tutorial assumes you are using the Windows operating...
How to increase the scroll buffer size in PuTTY
How to increase the scroll buffer size in PuTTY You may have noticed that PuTTY does not allow...
How to load, save or delete server connection settings in PuTTY
How to load, save or delete server connection settings in PuTTY This tutorial assumes you have...
How to open a PuTTY session, and exit a session
How to open a PuTTY session, and exit a session Double click the PuTTY icon to launch it This...
How to start PuTTY in a maximized window
How to start PuTTY in a maximized window This tutorial assumes you have located PuTTY, and...
How to start a SSH sessions from the command line
How to start a SSH session from the command line This tutorial assumes you have already opened...