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How to setup fraud protection in WHMCS  Bu dökümanı yazdır

How to setup fraud protection in WHMCS

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to your WHMCS admin panel.

Now let's learn how to setup fraud protection.

Click the Setup tab.

Then click Fraud Protection.

Fraud is an unfortunate part of doing business on the internet. WHMCS helps you combat fraud by letting you enable fraud protection.

You may only have one fraud module enabled at a time. Note that you must already have an account with the provider of your choice before you can enable its module here.

Choose your fraud module, and click Go.

Click here to enable MaxMind fraud protection.

Then enter your MaxMind license key.

You can reject orders that trigger any of these 4 flags by clicking their checkbox. Let's enable them all.

Then specify the fraud risk score, above which orders will be considered fraudulent and blocked.

When all settings are the way you want, click Save Changes.

That's it! We've successfully setup fraud protection.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup fraud protection in WHMCS.

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