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How to setup the WHMCS cron job for automated tasks  Imprimir éste Artículo

How to setup the WHMCS cron job for automated tasks

In order for WHMCS to be able to perform automated tasks such as invoicing and account suspension, you must setup a cron job.

This can be done in many common control panels such as cPanel or Plesk.

First, go to Setup...

... then click Automation Settings.

WHMCS provides you with the command necessary to run the cron job using PHP. Copy the command.

Then go to your control panel, the Cron Job section, and create the cron job.

Set the cron job to run once per day, at the time you want invoices to be sent out and accounts suspended.

Then paste the command, and click Add New Cron Job.

That's it! The cron job has been successfully setup.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup the WHMCS cron job to run daily.

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