
Searching through a database with phpMyAdmin  Kinyomtatja ezt a cikket

Searching through a database with phpMyAdmin

This video assumes you've already logged in to phpMyAdmin.

Now let's learn how to use the search feature.

First, select the database you want to search...

... then click the Search tab.

Let's search the name field for the name John, using the percent sign (%) before and after our search term, as a wildcard.

This means that phpMyAdmin will search for any data containing the word john, even if it has text before or after it.

When ready, click Go.

That's it! Our search query returned one result, and the term we searched for is highlighted here.

From here we can edit, copy or delete the data... whatever the reason was that we needed to search for teh data in the first place.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use the search feature in phpMyAdmin.

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